Spritpot has been utirizing Brogger since the inception of our blog 18 months ago. Its been a rocky relationship with Brogger...we both agree that their software is the ABSOLUTE NUT low. Its terrible - full of bugs, restrictions, and all kinds of assorted gheyness.
If you have any suggestions for alternative blogging software solutions...please comment! Also - suggestions with regards to transferring our current blog to a new program would be greatly appreciated.
Episode 464: Zak VanKeuren
4 days ago
Although I still use blogger, Wordpress seems to be the most popular alternative.
Wordpress AINEC!
digg.com, lifehacker and others have tons of tutorials, layouts, etc. for Wordpress.
Make sure to take a look at security precautions too...Wordpress can be VERY secure if done right.
I was also going to suggest Wordpress. Alot of people seem to be using it, especially the cool kids.
I mirror what these guys say, Wordpress is one of the best out there although the Betfair blogs are written through Movable Type which is good but a pain to do the initial customisation on
Before you do any transferring, you should back up your blog to your computer's hard drive. Bad things can happen.
Created a directory for it on your hard drive. Then sign into your blogger account, and:
1. go to settings
2. go to basic
3. go to export
4. go to download blog (there's a 'learn more' button if you're nervous)
5. from the next menu choose 'save'
If may help you decide if and how to move it to a different site, if you click here.
Thanks for all the comments/suggestions guys!
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