In my last post I showed how to figure out what % of a player's range certain hands make up in PLO and how that compares to NLHE. An observant reader might have noticed that the answer for PLO was always 6 times the answer for Hold 'Em. Coincidence? No.
October 30, 2009
PLO: Exactly 6 times as sick as NLHE
October 28, 2009
PLO Math: Answers
Ok well, here goes:
October 27, 2009
PLO Math...
October 26, 2009
A Case of the Mondays (Part 8)
For this week, less comedy, more Ivey:
October 24, 2009
The Death of Set Mining?
A couple of years ago there were lots of full-ring nits who made a living just set-mining (calling raises with any pocket pair and shoveling in money when they hit three of a kind). As long as opponents didn't adjust, this strategy was quite profitable. You can see why - you flop a set about 12% of the time and when you get in the money you have about 90% equity. If your opponent's pre-flop raising range is mostly big pocket pairs that will often flop overpairs to your set, you will be getting the money in post-flop when you DO flop a set quite frequently.
October 21, 2009
Yer Gonna Rove My Nuts! (Part 11)
Inducing a bluff doesn't always mean slowplaying:
October 19, 2009
Art of the Min Raise (Part 17)
Gotta rove the tasty pot odds:
October 17, 2009
Great Boxing Event Tonight
The Super Six World Boxing Classic starts tonight on Showtime and I can't wait. For those of you who haven't heard about it yet, Showtime has gotten the 6 best 168-lb fighters in the world and gotten them signed up for a tournament. This is very rare in boxing, a sport which is plagued by a cornucopia of different championship belts and difficulties in getting the best athletes in the sport to face each other.
October 16, 2009
THIN! (Part 17)
Well I am still running like crap at 6-max...but god the donks are JUICY. I managed to get an hour or so of PT with this drooler the other night...unfortunately he had already sucked out on me for 100 bbs once earlier when we got in my K6 (BB special, he had limped) vs. his QQ on J66, but I got him back here: AK-high for 93% equity on the turn!
October 15, 2009
Non Poker
In cerebration of the DOW rebounding to 10k...this is actually going to be a stock related post. Actually not stocks...but specifically online brokers.
October 12, 2009
New CR Vid, Case of the Mondays....
The final part of my 'Pwning Shorties' series went up on CardRunners today. Don't forget that you can get a CardRunners membership totally 100% scot free by signing up for Truly Free Poker Training and accumulating enough FT points.
October 9, 2009
I suck almost as bad as MLB umpires
I've been trying out some 6-max recently, partly just for a change of pace, and also because there are lots of fishies there. I've had a few decent seshes, but unfortunately it did not go well at all for me tonight. Probably has something to do with me running like poo in life over the last 24 hours. Anyway my sesh had plenty of bad beats, some cooler situations, a couple bad calls, and a couple of spots where I thought somebody would fold a weak hand and they didn't. Oh well. You'll find a lot more just completely random and spewy play at 6-max than you will at full ring. I guess it's where the aggro donkeys go to have fun. For instance, there was this hand:
October 7, 2009
Brack is Beautiful (Part 21)
Can't really claim I played this hand particularly well, just counted on the power of spades to get me through it:
October 3, 2009
Miscrick FTW
October 2, 2009
Brack is Beautiful (Part 20)
Hand played against a very aggro re-raiser from the brinds: