Thanks to the commenters who guessed at our donk villain's hand in yesterday's post. Fortunately, I will not have to be shipping any of my bankroll to you guys. Here's what showdown looked like:
BB showed [Jh 2h] and lost with two pair, Threes and Twos
HERO showed [Ts As] and won ($56.80) with two pair, Tens and Threes
That's right, he check-called twice on a K33T rainbow board with Jh2h. And then "value bets" his bottom pair on the river? Definitely one of the weirder lines I have seen in quite a while. I guess he was planning to bet any river and try to rep a 3? I guess it would have worked if I had held 66 or something like that...very odd, though. Reminds me of a limit hold-em hand I remember Ali Nejad talking about on Poker Road radio a while back. I don't remember exactly which show it was from, but the hand went something like this:
Ali has AQ in the BB, folds to a hyper-aggro player in the small blind, and they cap it pre-flop (for those of you who are unfamiliar with limit hold-'em, there's usually a maximum to the number of bets that can go in on a given street. When that limit is reached, the pot is said to be "capped"). Flop is something like 773 rainbow. Three or four bets put in again. Turn is an 8. Small blind checks, Ali value bets his A-high, small blind calls. River is a deuce, and the small blind leads. Ali calls and the guy shows 9h2h FTW! ROR!!!
Since I proctored the exam for the undergrad class that I TA for today, I thought I might do a short "Best Of Conversations I've Had With Undergrads"
1) Undergrad: "I think I should get partial credit for my answer on this question."
Me: "It's a multiple choice question."
UG: "Well I answered D) None of the above and the answer was A). Can't I get some credit for knowing it wasn't B) or C)?"
2) Me (trying to go as slowly as possible in explaining a problem): "OK, so here we've got x/8 = 4. So what's x?"
UG: Blank stare.
Me: "We want to get to where we have JUST x on one side. Let's try that...what happens when we multiply both sides by eight...what do we get then?"
UG: "x equals eight times four??"
Me: "Great! So what's eight times four?"
UG: Blank stare.
Me (in disbelief): "OK, imagine I have four CD holders, and each contains eight CDs. How many CDs do I have?"
UG: "36?"
3) UG (trying to grub for points on an exam): "On this question, I was just confused."
Me: "Yes, I can see that from your answer."
UG: "I mean I just didn't understand the question. Can I get some points back for that?"
Me: "You want points because you didn't understand the question?"
UG: "Yea."
Me: "No."
Episode 464: Zak VanKeuren
4 days ago
What class do you TA? Dear god.
I've TA'ed several, but mostly Microeconomics or Game Theory. You'd think that students in these classes would be able to do simple algebra, but often that's not the case.
Well... I answered JT before I saw this post. Since I got one card right, can I get partial credit?
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