Well, just after my post a few days ago about keeping your ego in check, guess what? NOT a good day yesterday. Some of it was just some gross spots, but I also played a little impatiently. I realized later that a lot of it was due to two factors: 1) the AC in my apartment is broken, and 2) I couldn't find my wallet earlier in the morning. These two things had frustrated me and put me in a bad state of mind to play poker. It's a constant battle to keep accurately assessing my state of mind until you can focus and keep things like that from affecting my play.
To make matters worse, something unexpected happened on Friday. I was coming back to my apartment, and all of the sudden just had an urge to have a smoothie. I don't know exactly why. It's probably been a year since my last smoothie. But I followed my instincts and went to Jamba Juice for some kind of mango whatnot. I was walking back home, listening to music on my iPhone, and "Flake" by Jack Johnson came on. So there I was, walking down the street in sunny SoCal, listening to Jack Johnson and drinking a smoothie. Don't get me wrong, all of those things can be acceptable, on their own, in certain circumstances. But taken together, at that moment I had to consider the possibility that I am a giant douchebag. At least I didn't have my hair dyed with blonde highlights. Yech. Luckily, the next song was a nice Nas song, so I felt better. But I'm going to have to be on the lookout for similar situations in the future. You gotta keep yourself in check.
But, on the bright side, here's a hand from the weekend where I didn't lose nearly as much money as I should have because of the terrible play by the villain in the hand:
Seat 6: SB (HERO) ($274.80)
Seat 7: BB ($134.60)
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to HERO [Ac Ad]
folds around to me...
HERO raises to $6
BB calls $4
*** FLOP *** [6h 6c Kc]
HERO bets $10
BB calls $10 (Pretty good flop, and a call. At this point, opponent's range is KQ-K9, 77-99, crubs, and maybe a 6, so I'm pretty happy about this call. If he had raised, I'd absolutely by putting it all in.)
*** TURN *** [6h 6c Kc] [Ks]
HERO checks
BB checks (Bad turn card, as now the Kx hands are ahead. I don't think the flush draw or middle pair hands would be calling a bet, so I'm just going to go for a cheap showdown.)
*** RIVER *** [6h 6c Kc Ks] [2s]
HERO checks
BB bets $10
HERO calls $10 (2s changes nothing, I just go for the check-crying call to turn my hand into a bluff-catcher from the missed flush draws. Occasionally people try to "value bet" 88 here to get a call from A-high I guess. He could even have ATo or something really dumb like that.)
*** SHOW DOWN ***
BB shows [6d As] a full house, Sixes full of Kings (Way to get full value when you outflop AA with A6o, buddy!!)
Smoothie/Jack Johnson/Frake...sure rooks rike someone is coming out of the croset...suprised you made the announcement pubricry. ROR.
Episode 464: Zak VanKeuren
4 days ago
Not much the villain could do there though. He could only get more money in on the flop but he hates that K as much as you hate that K. On the river, he prob bets only because he's a) retarded or b) he thinks since you checked, you might call with a PP larger than 6 or A high.
I think the villain really has to raise the flop there. In a blind vs. blind battle, I'm never folding a K and certainly not AA. I will probably 3-bet shove a flush draw as well. With most of my other hands, I will not be putting in any more money unless I am ahead, like if I have a pocket pair and I make a full house.
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