We all know the power of black cards...especially spades - here is an example of a donk trying to bulldoze his way through the Ace of spades while holding two RED cards. What a DONK! Commentary to follow HH.
Full Tilt Poker, $2/$4 NL Hold'em Cash Game, 7 Players
LeggoPoker.com - Hand History Converter
UTG: $196
UTG+1: $512
MP: $321.30
CO: $379.50
Hero (BTN): $691.60
SB: $85.20
BB: $54.25
dealt to Hero (BTN)
2 folds, MP raises to $12, CO calls $12, Hero calls $12, SB calls $10, BB calls $8
Flop: ($60)
(5 Players)
SB checks, BB checks, MP bets $36, CO folds, Hero raises to $82, 2 folds, MP calls $46
Turn: ($224)
] (2 Players)
MP bets $68, Hero raises to $597.60 and is All-In, MP calls $159.30 and is All-In
River: ($678.60)
] (2 Players - 1 is All-In
Results: $678.60 Pot ($3 Rake)
MP showed
(Jack Ten high) and LOST (-$321.30 NET)
Hero showed
(a straight, Five high) and WON $675.60 (+$354.30 NET)
PrefRop - I will admit that flat calling is a little on the ghey side, I rarely flat call on the button with a sooted ace, but I had the following in my favor:
a) I held two sooted brack cards, including the almighty ACE OF SPADES (aka best card in the deck).
b) I figured that if I call, one or two of the blinds would likely call as well given the pot odds, thus I figured to be getting greater pot odds than I actually was at the time of the call.
c) I was in position and felt I could outplay villains postflop depending on the board texture.
Frop - Here I flop what is essentially the nuts with the As (a gutterball, backdoor SPADE draw, and an overcard). The original raiser leads out and this is a no brainer raise. Whatever the fawk he has (villain is a complete unknown), I'm likely LIGHT years ahead of his range. Suprisingly he calls. In hindsight I definitely made a mistake in the raise size. I gave him a great price to draw to hearts or the OESD. Whatever, we all know hearts NEVER gets there.
Turn - What a card for me, a random SPADE. As if my hand needs any improvement, know I have a nut fRush draw, wheel draw, and an over. Villain donks OUT for 1/4 pot...WTF!?!?! Tank time, wtf does he have here? This bet size is INCREDIBLY ghey, it seems like he is very weak, but do I have any fold equity? It was very close...but I decided to ship it in anyway - he shows a T high fRush draw, WTF!?!
River - even though spades doesn't get there, I do end up making an uncessary wheel (A high was goottttt from the get go, honestly...I didn't need anything other than that As in this hand, the dealer could have not given me 2 cards and I still would have won!). Ship yer stack here turbodonk, and keep raising with weak red triple sooted gappers, ROR!
Episode 464: Zak VanKeuren
4 days ago
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