July 29, 2009

Thank You Poker Gods

When I fired up some tourneys today and had this happen early on, I thought that the madness would continue today. But fortunately I hung end there and ended up taking down three donk-n-gos (two 90-mans and a 45-man), and scored 4th in another. Of course, I scored some suckouts along the way, as is necessary to take down a tourney of any size. In any case, I have been brought back from the precipice of insanity, which I hope not to revisit anytime soon.


Edit: Reflection has shown me how irrational my moods are. For some reason if I lose hundreds playing poker while making thousands in the stock market as in the past few days, I am miserable. On the other hand if I pwn the tables for a few hundo but my portfolio drops a few grand like today, I feel good. I guess if it's from poker I feel like it's more my own accomplishment/fault. But still, it's obviously pretty silly.


ferocious kitty said...

I totally here you. Poker has a way of taking over our moods no matter how important the money is to us. I manage to life tilt myself for hours losing a meager 30 bucks at the tables. Its chump change but it has a gripping hold over my attitude.

Hope things keep looking up for you at the tables

Lucypher said...

I agree, the poker wins/losses are more intense even if the actual $ is less. Somehow, I feel I had more influence over the poker outcome.