I've made a couple of posts about betting the river already, so I figured I'd round it out with this hand:
$0.50/$1 - No LimitHold'em
*** STACKS ***
MP1 ($42.65)
MP2 ($101.05)
BRUECHIPS posts the big blind of $1
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to BRUECHIPS [Td 7d]
MP1 calls $1
MP2 calls $1
*** FLOP *** [Kd Tc 2d] - (Very big flop for my hand. I lead out here to start to build a pot in case I improve, and to take it down if nobody has anything. I don't want to check and have somebody make a set of fives or something on the turn, or let somebody with a better T show down to win the pot.)
MP1 folds
MP2 calls $3 - (Not a terrible result. I have this player at 27/8/0.8. His low AF means I'm not too uncomfortable playing out of position. The only thing I'm worried about is a better diamond draw, because that could lose me a bunch of money. But more likely he's got KJ, KQ, or QJ. Maybe AJ on occasion.)
*** TURN *** [Kd Tc 2d] [As] - (The ace is a scare card for him if he's got a King with a Q or J kicker, so I'll make another bet and try to get him off it. Also by betting I can "set the price" of my draw. $7 isn't a bad price to pay in a $10 pot to see a river card with a pair and flush draw. I could see an argument for checking here as well, though, since the $7 might not fold out KQ or KJ, and he would probably check it behind and give me a free draw.)
MP2 raises to $17 - (Given this player's stats, he's got a very strong hand here every time. If he's got A-high diamonds, I'm in big trouble. But I think he'd just call with that hand on the turn, and I think me might have raised it PF. Other options are AT and maybe occasionally a slow-played set of deuces. But with QJ right in the middle of his limping range and having just made the nuts, I think it's what he has a LOT of the time. I'm just getting 3:1 in pot odds, so not enough to call. But if he has the nut straight, I am calling in hopes that he won't be able to lay it down to a huge bet on the river bet. I just hope his QJ isn't of diamonds!!)
BRUECHIPS calls $10
*** RIVER *** [Kd Tc 2d As] [Qd] - (Prettiest card in the deck. Maybe the J of diamonds is better because it eliminates AdJd while I've already eliminated AdQd because he'd raise it pre-flop. But it's great, not only because it gives me a flush, but I now know he doesn't have QdJd. The other thing here is that I don't think he's gonna call a decent-sized bet with two pair or even bottom set. The straights and flushes out there are just staring him in the face. But a player with his stats is going to have a hard time folding nut straights. Time to go for MAX value and shove it ALL in!!!)
BRUECHIPS bets $79
MP2 has requested TIME
MP2 calls $79
*** SHOW DOWN ***
BRUECHIPS wins the pot ($198.50) with a flush, King high
MP2 mucked [Jd Qc] - a straight, Ace high - (PWNED for value!!!!)
That's how to bet on the river, sucka!!!
Episode 465: AK is Hard to Play
1 week ago
Who's been preaching this since the dawn of time?
Wow dude..since the dawn of time? That is quite a while. Maybe even before poker was invented. Whoever it is they must be REALLY old :)
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