Similar to bruechips, I'm going through a little monkey tilt as well. Poker has literally owned my soul today. I was raped for many many a buyin's today - not bc of shitty play, but just ran like ass...for anyone of you who don't use POKEREV to measure how you are running, I highly suggest downloading a copy. It is SOOO fawking hard to not be entirely results oriented in poker...this software can help ease the pyschological pain when you are playing well and still losing.
On to AK part of the post...see the below HH on a TEXTBOOK lesson on how to butcher the most coveted non paired hand.
PF my raise is pretty standard...I'm not one to fawk around with AA pf in cash game - for one reason...its bad KARMA! ROR.
SB (an excellent TAG prayer) repops me and the BB smooth calls...WTF!??!! Seeing as I have the best hand, I might as werr put more monies in the pot. When the BB smooth calls the 4 b OOP, his hand range here SHOULLLLD be in the neighborhood of TT-QQ...but for personally, I would be instafolding these hands with these stack sizes.
Despite the fact that I ended up maximizing value in this hand by playing it passively...I feel as if made two mistakes.
1) Raise more PF. While I feel as my raise size was adequate, in retrospect, it was not sufficent. With the stax this deep, I want to jam as much money in the pot PF as possible in the even that the virrain is set mining or praying some ghey sooted connector. A raise to 420-450 would have been ideal.
2) Bet the frop!!! I accidently timed out here...I was mulling over whether I could just ship it in with an overbet get a called from TT-QQ.
Oh and note to villain, a bet of 40% pot on the river is going to get many folds from my range here - if he ships I'd might throw up and call...or throw up/timeout/fold.
Moral of the story, fold AK pf to intense heat when deep stacked. ESPECIALLY when out of position!
Episode 464: Zak VanKeuren
4 days ago
1 comment:
I dislike POKEREV. I question it's usefulness. Who cares if you're running good or bad? I prefer to take responsibility for my play and do what I can to make money even when the cards don't fall right.
For me, POKEREV makes me even more results-oriented because it helps me rationalize my losses rather than learn from them.
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